We have witnessed the transformation of countless individuals suffering from the debilitating anxiety of OCD, and we're confident we can help you overcome it.
The road to OCD recovery begins here.
You can place your trust in Dumont Team to empower you to break the hold
OCD has on your life.
With a foundation in science, paired with in-depth knowledge and understanding,
we’re not just another treatment plan- we’re creating a life changing movement.
We have witnessed the transformation of countless individuals suffering from the debilitating anxiety of OCD, and we're confident we can help you overcome it.
With a foundation in science paired with in-depth knowledge and understanding of OCD, we’re not just another treatment plan - we’re creating a life changing movement.
We offer real, practical steps to overcome OCD in our innovative treatment program.
People go to the gym to workout their muscles and get stronger. Mental training is no different.
Join our Facebook community to talk with trusted professionals, supportive peers, and people just like you.
This community will be available 24/7, 365 - to support YOU when you need it the most.
The Dumont OCD team started with Ryan Dumont.
He had severe OCD and needed a way to manage his life. After
attending the most world renowned OCD clinic in the world he was able to
develop an approach to how to actually heal and live with this once
unmanageable disease.
With our cutting-edge treatment plan, book, top OCD experts, and
support community we strive to assist all sufferers on the road
to recovery towards success and happiness.
Whether you're looking for inspiration, motivation or something more our channels are loaded with content we know you'd love.
We’d love to hear from you, feedback is very important in or system and every comment helps us improve.
Feel free to visit us in person, our office hours are 9am - 5pm Monday through Friday. We're also available over the phone or online 24/7 365.
237 Essex St
Boston, MA 02111
United States
+1 (617) 763 0580